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- Контроллеры и индикаторы
- GEFRAN 10133 40TB Indicator/Alarm Unit for temperature and pressure inputs, double display

GEFRAN 10133 40TB Indicator/Alarm Unit for temperature and pressure inputs, double display
Категория - Контроллеры и индикаторы
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В нашей компании вы можете выбрать и купить GEFRAN 10133 40TB Indicator/Alarm Unit for temperature and pressure inputs, double display, а также другие запчасти от
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PROFILE The 40 TB is a microprocessor based, 2-channel alarm unit, format 96x96 (1/4 DIN), manufactured with SMT. Its operator interface is comprehensive and efficient, with two 4-digit displays for the two process variables and engineering units indications. It is also equipped with a red LED bargraph, which can be associated to process variables and to peak values. Three LEDs indicate the output status, while 3 more LEDs can be configured to indicate different functional conditions. The instrument has a lexan membrane faceplate (guaranteed to IP65) with 4 keys. Channel 1 has strain gauge, pressure or force sensor inputs, with positive or symmetrical polarisations, calibration with sensitivity auto-calculation (from 1,5 up to 4 mV/V), indication of probe power supply break. The first input channel can also receive signals from potentiometers with 100 Ohm min. resistance. The A/D converter performance can be configured via keyboard, so that different options of sampling time can be selected, depending on the desired resolution. Sampling time can be as low as15msec., while resolution can reach a max. value of 16,000 divisions (by a 120msec. sampling time). The second input channel can be configured for inputs from temperature sensors (TC, RTD, PTC, NTC) and for mV, V, mA signals, with the ability to have of having a customized input for each kind of sensor. The selection of the different options is available from keyboard. There is the possibility of having two digital inputs from voltage-free contacts, configurable for functions such as reset, hold, flash, peak or memory reset control. The instruments can be equipped with up to three relay (5A/250V) or static (0-11Vdc) outputs. Two voltage or current analogue outputs are available for the retransmission of inputs, of alarm sets, of gross and tare values. The serial communication option may have current loop, RS422/ 485 and RS232 connections with baud rate up to 19200. The option transmitter power supply is foreseen for each input channel. For channel 1 it could be: 1V (potentiometer), 5 and 10V (strain-gauge), 15 and 24V, for channel 2: 15 and 24Vdc. The programming of the instrument is made easy by grouping the parameters in function blocks and by a simplified data entry menu. The configuration can be simplified even further using the PC programming kit containing connection cable and a menu guide program that runs under Windows (see technical data code 80020). A configurable personal software protection code (password protection) can be used to restrict the levels of editing and displaying the configuration parameters.- Inputs configurable from faceplate.
- Easy strain-gauge calibration with sensitivity auto-ranging.
- Control of sensor power supply (input 1).
- Selectable code protection.
- Possibility to configure the unit.
- Power supply for transmitters.
- Easy to configure . Custom linearization available.
- Engineering units of the most common physical quantities available either on display or on labels.
- Acquisition and alarm programmable from 15 up to 120 msec. with resolution from 16000 to 4000 divisions
- Retransmission of variable values
- 3 alarms completely configurable from faceplate.
- 4-wire, configurable serial line. Protocol: GEFRAN CENCAL or MODBUS
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